Koinois Podcast Interviews Allergy Force’s CEO

The Koinos Podcast caught up with Gayle Rigione, CEO of Allergy Force, who creates tech tools to help the world’s 240 Million people with food allergy manage every day life and emergencies.

In this podcast Sam Cho, Founder of The Koinos Podcast, explores what inspired Gayle to take the leap into entrepreneurship. Find out more about her ‘Why’ and where it’s leading.

Careers worth having are a process of re-engineering, reinvention and having the courage of your convictions.


“The first service one owes to others in a community involves listening to them.” —Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Sam Cho, Founder of The Koinos Podcast, is an entrepreneur, investor and start-up coach. He was inspired to found The Koinos Podcast while completing his MBA at Cornell. His goal is to build community by connecting executives and entrepreneurs from the top business schools in the world to create economic opportunities.

Image Credit:  Thank you to skeeze on Pixabay for use of the image

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